Monday 5 April 2010

The Dream Team

Dream Film Cast: Dylan Moran as the Doctor, with Christian Bale, Patricia Arquette, Ernie Hudson, Patrick Stewart, David Mitchell, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Rich Hall as King Solomon and Johnny Depp as Lucifer

Dream Rock Band: Tricky this, since I don't know near enough about music to say for sure whether one bass player, say is more skilled than another. I'd aim for some kind of metal supergroup, starting with Corey Taylor on vocals (I very nearly went with Peter Steele. He can do the odd guest spot for the more apocalyptic tracks), the drummer from Fear Factory and the bassist from Dragonforce. See where we go from there.

Dream Lover: Hmm, can I have someone like Karen Gillan (leg man, see), with- and I'm going to be very cheeky here- Dita Von Teese's bust? And some Nutella.

Actually, can you just send Christina Hendricks my way.

Dream Project: Assuming money wasn't an issue, I'd like to set up my own production company, where I could produce movies and TV programmes based on my own ideas, with some degree of creative control over everything. I'd write, produce, direct, act.
I know only a tiny number of people in showbiz history have undertaken anything like that, and the projects in question tended to implode under the weight of the creators' egos (*cough*OrsonWelles*cough*), but I'd still like to give it a bash. It'd give me the best possible excuse not to be writing my novels.

Dream Alternate Career(s): Actor, rock frontman, masked crime fighter.

Dream Holiday: I'd spend several weeks getting to know New York City, somewhere I've always felt spiritually drawn. People call NYC 'the capital of the world', and its' status as this kind of nexus of civilisation is endlessly facinating to me. Ideally I'd spend at least part of my trip staying at one of those obscenely opulent 5-star hotels, the kind with two-storey rooms bigger than most houses.
After that I'd just cruise around the US, a la Stephen Fry, seeing the magnificent sights, meeting interesting people and immersing myself in a culture both oh-so-familiar and yet compellingly alien, provided of course I had three things: a good car, lots of cash and a gun.

Dream Home: I base this, rather tragically I'll admit, on the apartment Nightwing used to keep in the classic era of his comic title. For the uninitiated, this would be a nice, sturdy brownstone apartment building in New York or Chicago or one of those other mythic American cities where it rains and snows a lot.
I'd have the entire top floor converted into a living space with ample room for a gym, all the obligatory entertainment utilities and, of course, my crime-fighting arsenal. I'd find decent, hard-done-by folk to live for very reasonable rates in the apartments below, and they'd be totally unaware that I was their landlord.

Dream Cuisine: Being possessed of a plain palette, and deeply unimpressed by gourmet cuisine which always seems to involve a lot more money spent on a lot less food, I'd probably eat much the same as I do now, safe in the knowledge that I could always afford liposuction (I'm vastly wealthy in all my fantasies, obviously). I'd suppose you'd call it a mix of traditional British food with Italian and classic American. Plus the odd Chinese. In other words, lots of pizza and take away, with my mother's superb home-cooking thrown in whenever I crave 'proper' food.
You can keep your foie gras and Cristal, thanks.

Dream Day Out: I think I might have had this already. I was on a school trip, towards the end of my time in high school, to Bath with my English or Drama group, I forget which. We were going to see a new production of 1984 in the afternoon, but had the morning to just look around, shop, whatever. The weather was lovely and mild. There wasn't anyone in the group I was really friends with besides Hannah, and she was swept off with her little clique. We'd reached that stage of teenhood where having coffee suddenly became The Thing To Do, so most of the people I was with went off and did that for a few hours, while I just wandered, admired the architecture, visited many book shops, etc. The things I love doing.
I got to the theatre earlier than most anyone else, and stood listening to the best street band I have ever encountered play a tune I wanted to dance to, but which of course I've totally forgotten now. They were Italian or Greek or something, I was the only one really paying any attention to them and they earned every penny of that handful of change I gave them at the end.
When all the others got back, Hannah told me she'd missed me all morning. Then we saw the play, which was very good.

I'm an uncomplicated person in a lot of ways.